
Wilhelm Egger

Insurrection - Revolution
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
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English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
Andreas Hofer - now .. the year - was the leader of the revolt of the people against the foreign rule of Napoleon, or of France. At the same time, I think, this rebellion broke out in Spain, a fuse of the general uprising against Napoleon. Napoleon, one must emphasize, is a commander been. It has to admire how he took the recruits, and how he could provide for them. On 5 Napoleon died in May 1821 is in the Pacific on the island of St. Helena, which was then under British rule. As the Italian poet Alessandro Manzoni has just written then a ballad. By the first sentence: "Now is ready. Line under it." "É fu, fu é" "Fu" means the past, not the past tense, but the past is forever "in fu" And then it goes further with: "Now he lies there, stiff and rigid" and he does his deeds. The poetic language is beautiful, as he describes his campaigns: "dal Reno al Manzanarre" .. and so on. Unfortunately, I can only recite a few words. .. already .. "The ...", trotting of the horses as they ride so then to Egypt. And "all Peramide dalli Alpi, dal Reno al Mazzanare, by grave and come fulmine" Like a flash he trudged along! Finally, is a verse "Due volte nella polvere, due volte sull 'altar'" Twice in the mud, dust, and twice the height "between he has been caught once and then again after the battle of Waterloo, 1815 when he was brought by the British on the island of St. Helena. As I said, it is a beautiful poem - the fifth May cinque - Maggio. The South Tyrol. It is like there is a risk that every cook his soup. The eye is not always directed to the benefit of the whole people. This is more or less for all politicians. But someone has to do it anyway. For, after the French Revolution, when Napoleon had made final, was the chaos. As one would ever again say "freedom" as the bell in the song "Freedom!" "Equality and liberty sound you hear there, but the peaceful citizens to defend attacks." The uprising, the Revolution.